History Connections
We here at the Heritage Society certainly don't have a monopoly on local history. Many area businesses and residents have a tale or two to tell (and frequently many more). Go ahead, we dare you to settle up on a bar stool and strike up a rousing conversation about the flood of '75 or venture into an area shop and ask about the lineage of all the former businesses that occupied that building. One of the great resources in small towns are the locals themselves and Canal Fulton is certainly no exception.
If you've never read the following works by these two local men, we highly recommend you to do so (the CF Library has copies):
Old Canal Days by Burton Porter - Mr. Porter lived in Canal Fulton in the late 1800's and wrote about many of the town's stories
Nostalgia by Waldo Streby - Mr. Streby grew up in Canal Fulton in the early 1900's and recalled many of the people and places in this area
If visiting our historic town and/or stumbling upon this website has sparked your interest then you should also check into the operations of these other organizations:
Local History Sites

Fulton Mules Vintage Baseball - canalfultonmules.wix.com/canal-fulton-mules
Canal Fulton Public Library - www.canalfultonlibrary.org
Days Gone By. Canal Fulton - www.facebook.com/pages/Days-Gone-By-Canal-Fulton-Ohio/622141821140859
Clinton Historical Society - www.clintonohiohistoricalsociety.org
Jackson Township Historical Society - www.facebook.com/jacksontwphistory
Massillon Public Library - www.massillonlibrary.org
Massillon Museum - www.massillonmuseum.org
Other Area History
Chippewa-Rogues' Hollow Historical Society - www.chippewarogueshollow.org
Barberton Historical Society - www.annadeanfarm.com
Navarre Bethlehem Township Historical Society - www.navarrehistoricalsociety.yolasite.com
Fort Laurens Historic Site - fortlaurens.org
Historic Zoar Village - historiczoarvillage.com
National First Ladies Library - www.firstladies.org
William McKinley Presidential Museum and Library- mckinleymuseum.org
Canton/Stark County Convention & Visitors Bureau - www.visitcantonstark.com
the Peninsula Foundation - www.peninsulahistory.org
Wayne County Historical Society - waynehistoricalohio.org
Tuscarawas County Historical Society - www.tuschs.org
Summit County Historical Society - summithistory.org
Western Reserve Historical Society- www.wrhs.org
Ohio History Connection - www.ohiohistory.org
Massillon Genealogical Society - www.massillonlibrary.org
Stark County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society - www.starkcountyogs.org
Canal History
Stark Parks - www.starkparks.com/education_centers.asp
Cascade Lock Park Association - www.cascadelocks.org
Canal Society of Ohio - www.canalsocietyohio.org
American Canal Society - www.americancanals.org
OECA - www.ohioanderiecanalway.com
OECC - www.ohioeriecanal.org
the Monticello III - www.coshoctonlakepark.com
the General Harrison - www.johnstonfarmohio.com
the Volunteer - www.metroparkstoledo.com